Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's Blog

Day two of no cigarettes.
Hard? Yes! Especially when all three roommates smoke and it smells so good I want to ask for one. But, my pride refuses to ask them.
Class is done at the end of this week. Thank god, Introduction to Logic sounds easy, but it wasn't. Everything was a scientific formula to Logic. I hate this class and my grade reflects it...a low C. But, hey! It's passing and that is all that matters in the end.
Blog day is hard for me: I'm so boring and nothing to really talk about other than minor details. Like the eight puppies from across the street that are running wild and tearing up our backyard and fence, and other things. I am to go talk to the owner but I doubt that will do anything. I call them the Taliban, terrorist on our street. They sit and wait outside...think they are purposely targeting us. Evil bastards.
The city gave us a citation for the tree limbs piled on the curb of our house by the trash can. Said we had to move them. Yet, they were mostly from the storm/tornado day. There is no where to take them. Roommate says her husband can mow over them and mulch them down. I hope...that's a nice size ticket they want to give us.

Okay, that is all I can think of right now.
See you next week!
Claire Logan