Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Life

My life is pretty boring compared to allot of peopleI have met on Twitter and Facebook. So, blogging for me is difficult to think of things to say.
First, I write and write my stories. I'm on book two; half way done for those that have been asking. Secondly, I have school; I am in college for Anthropology, so that keeps me busy as well.
It's pretty boring.
I want to thank everyone that has read the book and absolutely loved it. Thank you for being so excited about it. And, yes book two will be out ASAP, most likely December 2011.
I actually had one person say that she only reads Stephen King novels and after reading my first book she says now I'm her number one author. She's dying to read book two.
This makes me feel so proud of my work that it spurs me to continue to write book two.
So, if you have read the book please post a comment on Amazon for me and tell the world how you feel about it.
Thanks everyone!
Claire Logan