Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's Blog

Day two of no cigarettes.
Hard? Yes! Especially when all three roommates smoke and it smells so good I want to ask for one. But, my pride refuses to ask them.
Class is done at the end of this week. Thank god, Introduction to Logic sounds easy, but it wasn't. Everything was a scientific formula to Logic. I hate this class and my grade reflects it...a low C. But, hey! It's passing and that is all that matters in the end.
Blog day is hard for me: I'm so boring and nothing to really talk about other than minor details. Like the eight puppies from across the street that are running wild and tearing up our backyard and fence, and other things. I am to go talk to the owner but I doubt that will do anything. I call them the Taliban, terrorist on our street. They sit and wait outside...think they are purposely targeting us. Evil bastards.
The city gave us a citation for the tree limbs piled on the curb of our house by the trash can. Said we had to move them. Yet, they were mostly from the storm/tornado day. There is no where to take them. Roommate says her husband can mow over them and mulch them down. I hope...that's a nice size ticket they want to give us.

Okay, that is all I can think of right now.
See you next week!
Claire Logan

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Taking Time Off

Hello my friends!
Another great day has practically came and went. I'm a little late on blogging. Taking time off from writing to try to recuperate from being sick all week. Hard sometimes being sick when you have so much that has to be done. Book two, The Awakening: The Anthem of the Damned is almost completed, so taking two days off from writing doesn't hurt me that much.
I spent 2 1/2 hours out in 104 degree weather yesterday and should not have done it but things have to be done to keep life moving. I went to be that night at 6:30pm and did not wake up until 6:00am this morning. Tired.
School...what can I say; it is college and it was not meant to be easy. It is hard when you are 40 years old or even older to go back and compete against kids half your age. However, I am bound to finish! is good and I love the little town that we moved too. Everyone is nice and keeps out of your business. Strange, always thought little towns were the opposite.
I am finally 'seeing' someone. Yes, you have heard it here and I am the most happiest about it. My love of my life died in 2003 and I never dated again after that. Now, it seems right to date and I think the love of my life would approve.
I've been laxed on twitter, facebook and my blogs lately; sorry for that. Seems life can throw us curve balls sometimes and we have to adjust to new things, new ways, even new people. Someone reminded me on facebook that without the bumps in the road life isn't an adventure anymore. How true that is.
I'm excited to see the sales report of Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Authorhouse sales of my book in August. Quarterly reports are due around the 27th. I'm nervous but excited. Seems that everyone that has read the book loves it; they report to me on twitter and facebook how much they adored it. So, I'm being optimistic about the coming month of August.
Going back to church again. Planned to go tonight but it is so hot here that I think Sunday mornings is good for me.
Well, everyone have a great week. I will see you here again next Wednesday.
Love you all for the support, encouragement and the great reports on the book.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Life

My life is pretty boring compared to allot of peopleI have met on Twitter and Facebook. So, blogging for me is difficult to think of things to say.
First, I write and write my stories. I'm on book two; half way done for those that have been asking. Secondly, I have school; I am in college for Anthropology, so that keeps me busy as well.
It's pretty boring.
I want to thank everyone that has read the book and absolutely loved it. Thank you for being so excited about it. And, yes book two will be out ASAP, most likely December 2011.
I actually had one person say that she only reads Stephen King novels and after reading my first book she says now I'm her number one author. She's dying to read book two.
This makes me feel so proud of my work that it spurs me to continue to write book two.
So, if you have read the book please post a comment on Amazon for me and tell the world how you feel about it.
Thanks everyone!
Claire Logan