Well, just heads up about The Awakening book since it hasn't came out yet (end of April). In the story, we have clans. The Raven clan, which are mercenaries for hire (they are shapeshifters) you have the Wolf clan, (self explanitory really), the Windrose clan (which is the main characters clan) the evil Drakarus clan (Apocalyptic riders) and so forth, and so forth.
I am asking my die hard family, friends, followers and loved ones to help me promote "The Awakening". Here is what I will do in return: I need 30 volunteers, which will be called the Logan Clan (I thought Team Logan but with all the hype about Team Jacob, Team Edward, thought otherwise) these 30 volunteers will get an autographed book, a tee-shirt with your name, the Logan Clan on it, and the VIP golden ticket to the premier party schedualed around the end of October 2011.
So, here is what I need from the 30 volunteers: I will mail posters to you, postcards, ask you to look around for old time theaters with marquees (I will call the number you provide to ask if I can put an ad up there) contact your local radio station, ask them if they heard of the book, give the website address out, go to your library and demand they order the book for others that cannot afford to buy my book, call your bookstores 'repeatedly', have your friends help, asking if they ordered the book; or any ideas you can come up with!
So, are you wanting to be in the Logan Clan? Let me know by emailing me at cblogan71@yahoo.com
Thanks everyone!
Claire Benet Logan